Women And Education In Türkiye In The Context Of Cedaw

Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Aralığı : 77-113
Kitap Dili : İngilizce

Anahtar Kelimeler

 CEDAW, which brought women’s rights on the political agenda on a global scale and is accepted as a turning point in this sense, was opened for signature of the UN member states in 1980, and active efforts of the states that became parties to the convention to protect women’s rights was placed in a legal and binding framework. Türkiye approved CEDAW in 1985. This study aims to investigate the regulations and current situation in Türkiye in this context via addressing women’s and girls’ right to education in the light of CEDAW, which is accepted as the ‘women’s constitution’.

Kitap Adı: Current Researches In Educational Sciences Vi
Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 123
DOI: 10.37609/akya.2556
Kitap Dili : İngilizce
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