Brexlit: Brexit Sonrası İngiliz Romanında Öne Çıkan İzlekler

Yazar: Cihan Yazgı
Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 227-259
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Salman Rushdie’s 1995 novel The Moor’s Last Sigh presents a rich narrative that interrogates the complexities of Indian colonial history, origin, culture and identity through the narrator Moraes Zogoiby. Rushdie uses the concept of palimpsest, which brings together visual or textual elements from different layers both in the art of Aurora, Moor’s mother, and in the novel’s narrative structure that blends history, culture and art making references to the multilayered and multicultural texture of India. Aurora offers an alternative representation of Mother India and her paintings which are inspired by Arab Spain and relate her son to the last Moorish ruler Sultan Boabdil, create a political and historical record foregrounding multiculturalism through an ekphrastic narrative embellished with artistic references. Hence, they turn into an important narrative tool, reflecting the cultural hybridization of Indian history, the influences of British colonizers, previous occupiers, new colonial powers, and act to contribute to the efforts of creating a new identity and balance in post-colonial India.

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