Kadın Girişimcilerde Liderlik Stratejileri

Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Aralığı : 237-260
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Women entrepreneurs are also growing in the world of entrepreneurship and making significant contributions to the economy. The number of female entrepreneurs and female leaders is increasing. The motivations for initiating a business are varied for both women and men. The choice to initiate a commercial venture arises from a confluence of personal motivations, specific conditions, and a relatively advantageous environment. Typically, the choice to initiate a business is more intricate for women (d’Andria & Gabarret, 2017, 1-16). Women entrepreneurs typically distinctly approach tasks compared to their male counterparts. The motivation elements vary between males and females. Women may face numerous gender-specific limitations when attempting to participate in the transformation process (Day-Hookoomsing & Essoo, 2003, 19-20). Leadership is the dynamic process of exerting influence within a particular context, where certain individuals are acknowledged as leaders by others, to accomplish shared objectives collectively (Silva, 2016, 3). Leadership entails the capacity to exert influence over people to accomplish objectives (Morrill, 2010, 135). Strategy can be defined as the patterns of decisions made to attain a lasting competitive advantage. On the other hand, strategic leadership entails prioritizing choices that enhance an organization’s long-term vitality and welfare (Beatty & Quinn, 2011, 2-9). Strategic leadership refers to the capacity of an individual or a group to effectively guide the company towards a desired future condition (DeLisi, 2020, 26). Strategic leaders have the responsibility to guarantee that their firms cultivate, utilize, and safeguard the intellectual capital present in their inhabitants’ knowledge bases. Efficient strategy directors must actively pursue information that enables them to precisely forecast fluctuations in diverse global markets (Ireland & Hitt, 2005, 73-74). Strategic leadership refers to the capacity of an individual or a group to effectively guide the company towards a desired future condition (Ireland & Hitt, 2005, 68). To prevent failure and capitalize on existing possibilities, strategic leaders must skillfully oversee resources and cultivate efficient human and social capital to establish a nimble organization capable of swiftly adapting strategic initiatives to maintain a competitive edge (Hitt vd., 2010, 443). Competent strategic leaders employ a strategic team to aid them in envisioning. Proficient strategic leaders possess the ability to engage all individuals in formulating policies and foster agreement among them (Fernandes, 2008, 5). Women in leadership positions often embrace a leadership style that involves active participation and seeking input from others. Female executives prioritize maintaining high ethical standards. Another essential leadership characteristic is continuously learning and exercising sound judgment. Must possess a strong sense of humor. Humor has the ability to alleviate tension and stress significantly. Women encounter inherent prejudices and systemic obstacles that impede their progression to leadership positions. The initial and important stage in resolving this issue is acknowledging the problem and ensuring that supervisors are held responsible for addressing it. Leaders must acknowledge the significance of diversity and equity, assess the extent to which they have been achieved, and ensure that individuals at every level of the organization are responsible for making progress. To effectively increase leadership prospects for women, it is imperative to address the significant challenges posed by work/family conflicts that hinder their advancement. Mentoring and sponsorship programs are essential as well. Formal programs can be utilized to address the absence of informal ties (Kellerman &Rhode, 2014, 29-33).

Kitap Adı: Kadın Ve Tasarım-tasarım Süreçlerine Stratejik Bakış
Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 338
DOI: 10.37609/akya.337
Kitap Dili : Türkçe
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