Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Femvertising Kavramının Stratejik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi: Reklam Örnekleri Incelemesi

Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Aralığı : 91-112
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Societies have been the reason for the emergence of gender existence by separating men and women from past to present. Although the concepts of gender and social gender are used interchangeably, they have fundamentally different meanings. While the physiological, biological and genetic characteristics of a person as male or female meet the concept of gender, the concept of gender covers the socially determined roles, responsibilities and personality traits of men and women. Advertising, which enables consumer behavior to be changed through persuasion, offers people a way of life and paves the way for them to exist by consuming. The images represented in advertisements present these lifestyles to people as a goal, and through them, dominant ideologies and inequalities in society are reproduced. Advertisements that enable the reproduction of gender and class ideologies can be stated as the most common example in the advertising industry. Femvertising is considered an advertising appeal and includes different female characteristics at the same time. It challenges prevalent female stereotyping in society while also promoting equality and empowerment. The main idea behind the concept is that brands can not only sell products or services, but also empower women, thereby breaking the stereotypes in society and affecting society as a whole. With the gender and feminist movement gaining importance in our country, women’s identity and gender roles have begun to change. As the number of supporters of the feminist movement increases, the importance of women-oriented advertisements has begun to increase in our country. Therefore, there has been an interest in brands that support the feminist movement in our country. Femvertising, or feminist advertising, is a concept that has increased in popularity in the industry in recent years. Feminist advertising examples are increasing day by day and are gaining success in society. Today, brands aim to increase the sales of many types of products, from cosmetics to hair care products, from clothes to designer products, while also using the femvertising strategy to raise social awareness. When this concept was first used, it was associated with women-oriented products and brands; It emerges as a type of advertising used by many brands day by day. The main purpose of the concept of femvertising is expressed as removing the passive and shy situations of women shown in advertisements in their perception integrated with domestic environments and preventing the female body from being presented as a sexual object. In this context, many studies examined claim that the concept of femvertising brings positive changes to the way women act in advertisements. Today, the constant change in brand perception and intense competition lead brands to constantly develop new strategies in order to protect and strengthen the positive perceptions of consumers. Brands that can implement this strategy not only display a more respectful and sensitive attitude towards female consumers, but also draw attention to issues that are important to society, such as women’s rights and gender equality. Based on this, the femvertising advertising campaigns of Dove, Nike, Selpak, Atasay, Eczacıbaşı, MediaMarkt and Şişecam brands were examined within the scope of the study.

Kitap Adı: Kadın Ve Tasarım-tasarım Süreçlerine Stratejik Bakış
Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 338
DOI: 10.37609/akya.337
Kitap Dili : Türkçe
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