Kadın Tasarımcılar: İç Mimarlıkta Kadının Eli

Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Aralığı : 143-158
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Individuals who are now residing in the modern world spend the most of their time located inside. It’s possible that you’ll get treated in hospitals, live in homes, work in offices, shop in stores, learn later, eat continually, or all of these things. Traveling from one internal location to another is something that a person does when they are outside. It is most commonly discovered in the cabins of various modes of transportation, including automobiles, airplanes, ships, and trains, during these journeys. As a result, interior spaces were present, underwent transformations, and developed alongside people at the conclusion of the cave epoch. It is of incalculable significance with regard to the conditions, traits, and situations that are associated with humans. For the purpose of this study, information will be provided on female interior architects who have been involved in the history of design and whose names will be stated. Additionally, the significance of the profession in the process of history will be investigated. This research analyzed the lives of women with distinguished careers in interior architecture, where women represent the majority. Candace Wheeler, the mother of interior designers, pioneered women’s work in handicrafts and decoration. Interior architecture was first discovered professionally by Elsie de Wolfe, who lately lived in New York. Ruby Ross Wood, who collaborated with Elsie de Wolfe, is known for her design essays and unique approach. Dorothy Draper’s odd style and iconoclast nickname added a new depth to the industry. While other designers were talking and writing about white, Syrie Maugham’s initial room design used only white and her name-named blue tone. Charles Eames is often referenced in male-dominated design history texts, but Ray Eames, Charles’ partner and husband, is hardly mentioned. Ray and Charles Eames designed several modern furniture masterpieces. However, workplace furniture design that combines functionality and beauty has exposed modern office standards. Charlotte Perriand, who collaborated with Le Corbusier, most associated with contemporary architecture, designed furniture for museums worldwide in the modernism and functionalism movements. Kelly Weastler and Zahah Hadid, known for their bold and striking designs, are important female interior architects and designers today. Architecture is dominated by men, while interior architecture has been led by women since its inception. As in other disciplines, women in interior architecture may confront unique challenges. Sector structure, social views, and business dynamics might cause these issues. Gender discrimination is common in the male-dominated building business. In classical design history, women like Le Corbusier’s partner Perriand and Charles Eames’ wife Ray Eames are rarely addressed alongside male hegemony. They may need to battle for women’s leadership and project management equality. Interior architecture women may face challenges in expanding their professions and achieving higher positions. Social expectations, business culture, and family obligations might cause these issues. Female wage inequality is also widespread. Workplace safety is another issue for women. The interior architectural industry also faces workplace gender-based harassment and mobbing. Finally, female interior designers must manage work and family. Working long hours, intense tasks, and keeping up with advances can make family life tough. Despite these challenges, women are succeeding in interior architecture. As society opinions change, corporations embrace gender equality policies, and women are supported, women are expected to succeed and have more chances in interior design.

Kitap Adı: Kadın Ve Tasarım-tasarım Süreçlerine Stratejik Bakış
Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 338
DOI: 10.37609/akya.337
Kitap Dili : Türkçe
Kitaba Git
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