The Pedagogy Of Teaching Language To The Young Learners

Yazar: Fırat Ünsal
Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 39-72
Kitap Dili : İngilizce

This chapter elucidates the intricate pedagogical paradigms pivotal for efficacious language instruction among nascent learners, foregrounding the synthesis of developmental considerations, strategic methodologies, cultural pluralism, and technological integration. Cognizant of the imperative to align pedagogical practices with the ontogenetic stages of children, the discourse excavates foundational theories propounded by Piaget, Vygotsky, and Gardner to scaffold age-congruent instructional methodologies. Furthermore, it delineates efficacious strategies and techniques, encompassing immersive, multisensory, play-based, and contextual learning modalities, designed to captivate young intellects and augment linguistic acquisition. The discourse also interrogates the salience of cultural integration, accentuating the necessity of embedding diverse cultural elements within the curriculum to cultivate inclusivity and global cognizance. Concurrently, the transformative potential of technology in contemporary pedagogy is scrutinized, showcasing an array of tools and platforms that facilitate interactive and personalized learning milieus. By conjoining these multifaceted components, the chapter proffers a holistic framework for educators, enabling the creation of dynamic, inclusive, and efficacious language learning environments tailored for young learners.

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