Meme Kanserinde Lumpektomi

Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 317-330
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) in breast cancer; It describes breast-conserving surgery (BCS) (e.g. lumpectomy, partial/segmental mastectomy) and radiotherapy (RT) typically administered for eradication of residual disease. It was developed as an alternative to mastectomy in patients with early stage breast cancer. Lumpectomy is the process of surgically removing cancerous or abnormal tissue from between healthy breast tissue, and it is performed by removing the abnormal or cancerous tissue along with some healthy tissue circumferentially. In breast cancer, contraindications rather than indications for BCS are taken into consideration when deciding on surgery. BCS decision; neoadjuvant treatment is expanding in proportion to advances in surgical and radiotherapy techniques and pathological evaluation.

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