Karın Ameliyat Kesileri Ve Batın Kapama Yöntemleri

Yazar: Murat Özkara
Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 19-32
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Surgical incision is an incision made through the skin, passing through the abdominal layers, to facilitate a surgery or procedure. The surgeon's goal should be to determine the most appropriate incision type for the surgery to be performed. There should be three purposes when doing this. 1.Accessibility 2.Extensibility 3.Secure closure. It is necessary to close the wound layer by layer. Additionally, the incision to be made varies depending on whether the surgery is elective or urgent, the target organ, the surgeon's own experience and preference, and the previous surgery. Incisions made parallel to Langer's lines in the dermis, which correspond to the natural orientation of collagen fibers and are generally parallel to the underlying muscle fibers, may heal with less scarring.

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