Geriatri Ve Üst Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanserleri

Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 169-178
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Upper gastrointestinal system cancers are frequently observed worldwide, causing significant morbidity and mortality. Successful outcomes can be achieved when esophageal and gastric cancers are diagnosed in their early stages. Screening tests conducted on large populations for early diagnosis are not sustainable due to high costs. Therefore, it is essential to identify risk factors, establish high-risk groups, and prioritize screening programs for these groups. After confirming the diagnosis of malignancy through biopsy, selecting imaging methods with high specificity and sensitivity, as well as appropriate combinations, is crucial for accurate staging and treatment. Stage- and patient-specific treatment choices reduce morbidity and mortality rates associated with treatment.

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