It can be stated that philosophical
movements in education were used in the Turkish Education System, and the
intensity of each of them changed from time to time throughout the history of
the Republic. During the Nationalization
(1923-1938) and Humanization (1938-1950) periods, the Republic's efforts to
establish a new social order, restructure the society, reforms in education,
republican citizenship education, emphasis on practices such as Village
Institutes, democratic education and democratic education were progressive and
reformist. It is compatible with the educational philosophy of constructivism.
It is related to change, life
and experiences, behavioral approach practices, democratic education,
pragmatism philosophical movement and progressivism education philosophy during
the period of democratization and Americanization (1950-1960). During the
Planning and Re-Nationalization (1960-1980) period, raising the education level
of the society, the right to education, equality, freedom and democratic
education issues are related to the philosophical movement of existentialism
and the educational philosophies of progressivism and reconstructionism.
Neoliberal Policies (1980 to
Present) period; Focusing on character education, religion, metaphysics,
history and art education are among the principles of idealism movement,
student-centered learning, constructivism and progressivism philosophy of
education. The architects of the Turkish
Education System have revealed the rich accumulation of the educational process
from past to present. It can be stated that the principles, principles and
practices in the Turkish Education System were put forward, created and
developed by these architects. The effects of education on social
structure can be seen in the relationship between social structure and
education system. Education serves as a tool that accelerates social change and
development. Education, on the one hand, represents the culture of the society
and, on the other hand, enriches this culture.
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