Kadınların İstihdamında Mesleki Eğitimin Yeri Ve Öneminin İstihdam Stratejileri Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi

Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 219-236
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

The vocational education of women is a crucial component of economic and social development in Turkey. These educational programs enable women to become more effective and competent participants in the labor market, providing numerous benefits on both individual and societal levels. Vocational education increases women’s employment opportunities, encouraging their participation in the workforce. Through education, women can specialize in specific professions, enhancing their chances of finding jobs. This not only helps women achieve economic independence but also addresses gender imbalances in the job market. Increased participation of women in the workforce fully utilizes the country’s economic potential, boosts productivity, and fosters innovation, positively impacting overall economic growth. Education plays a significant role in reducing unemployment rates. Vocationally trained individuals possess the skills demanded by the labor market, making them more likely to secure employment. Educated women become more competitive in the labor market, which lowers unemployment rates. Additionally, higher education levels among women simplify employers’ search for qualified employees and enhance labor market efficiency. Educated individuals also have the potential to start their own businesses, creating employment opportunities. Education enhances individuals’ knowledge and skills, allowing them to play more active roles in economic and social life. For women, education is critical not only for gaining economic independence but also for boosting their confidence and social status. Educated women have a stronger voice in society, participate in decision-making processes, and play active roles in social changes. Education also raises women’s awareness about health, childcare, and family planning, contributing to overall societal welfare. Women’s participation in the workforce offers numerous benefits for both women and society. Economically independent women can improve their families’ living standards and invest more in their children’s education and health. Moreover, women’s participation in the workforce promotes gender equality and challenges patriarchal structures. Diverse perspectives and skills enhance innovation and creativity in the workplace. Women’s participation in the workforce helps reduce poverty, accelerate economic growth, and achieve social justice. In Turkey, women’s vocational education increases employment rates, supports economic growth, and enhances societal welfare. Also Vocational training is essential for promoting women’s employment in both the technology sector and rural areas. It provides specialized skills needed in technology-related fields, fostering gender diversity and equality. In rural settings, vocational education empowers women by offering income-generating opportunities and enhancing their economic independence. Moreover, practical training enhances women’s confidence and competence, making them more employable in various sectors. Overall, vocational education is crucial for women’s participation and advancement in these areas, equipping them with the skills and confidence to succeed. In this context, this study will first explain the relationship between vocational education, employment, and unemployment. The following section will define vocational education. The next section will discuss the role of vocational education in empowering women and the importance of employment. Subsequently, the focus will be on Vocational Education and Women’s Employment in Turkey, with vocational education being explained through data. In the conclusion section, recommendations related to the topic will be provided.

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