Beyaz Perdenin Ardındaki Güç: Kadın Senaristlerin Sinema / Dizi Sektöründe Edindikleri Tecrübelere Stratejik Bakış

Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Aralığı : 113-126
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Screenplay is undoubtedly one of the essential components of the cinema/TV industry. A good screenplay in the hands of a successful director can turn into a masterpiece. Applying screenplay techniques successfully during the writing process is crucial. However, it wouldn’t be correct to consider the screenplay solely as a technical task. Screenwriting is both a technical and an artistic endeavor. One of the most important goals of a screenwriter is to ensure that their written words can be understood by the audience when visualized. In this context, screenwriters need to understand the art of influencing people in addition to their artistic personalities. All these aspects are among the most crucial factors in creating a successful film. The screenplay is the essence of the film that reaches the audience. Therefore, a successful screenplay can result in an impressive film. It is highly valuable for screenwriters, the diligent workers behind the scenes in the cinema/TV industry, to quietly contribute to successful projects, even if they are not prominently visible. In this regard, it is important to bring the problems of screenwriters to light. The relevant study will serve as an important resource for providing suggestions to overcome the challenges faced by screenwriters. In addition to this main focus, the study examines the specific issues faced by female screenwriters in the industry and investigates whether gender has an impact in the sector. The relevant study conveys the thoughts of two female screenwriters who have worked in the industry for many years, about screenwriting and “working as a female screenwriter in the industry” through interviews. Additionally, a survey technique was applied to a group of 16 screenwriters who have worked or are currently working in various fields such as film, TV series, and social media, and statistical methods were used to analyze the relevant data. Findings from interviews and surveys vary. According to the survey results, two common issues expressed by the group of 16 screenwriters are the considerably long duration of TV series prepared for television and the low rate of unionization among screenwriters. Apart from these two issues, one issue that the majority of participants agreed on is self-censorship. It can be inferred that one of the most important problems for screenwriters is the self-censorship mechanism they have to apply to themselves even at the stage of writing. It was concluded that the censorship issue is a significant obstacle to creativity, leading to the creation of similar works. Moreover, one of the findings from the survey data is the high level of pressure from producers on the screenplay. Approximately 85% of the participating screenwriters stated that producers can directly interfere with the screenplay. This situation indicates that screenwriters cannot remain sufficiently free in the production process. In addition to this restrictive situation, it was observed in the survey that screenwriters perceive their work as quite laborious and exhausting. Despite all these negatives, approximately 87% of the survey participants do not consider choosing another profession besides screenwriting. According to this result, it is revealed that the vast majority of participating screenwriters actually enjoy their profession. In addition to this data, it was concluded that the approach of producers to female screenwriters and male screenwriters varies. According to the interview and survey data, it was found that there is a significant difference in the approach of producers to male and female screenwriters, showing certain differences in specific areas and a small difference overall.

Kitap Adı: Kadın Ve Tasarım-tasarım Süreçlerine Stratejik Bakış
Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 338
DOI: 10.37609/akya.337
Kitap Dili : Türkçe
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