Abdominal injury is a common cause of preventable
trauma-related deaths. Understanding the mechanisms behind these injuries can
help clinicians anticipate specific types of injuries, thereby reducing the
risk of overlooking them. Early recognition of signs such as penetration,
hemorrhage, and perforation, along with selecting the appropriate imaging
techniques to confirm significant injuries, can lead to quicker diagnoses,
complication prevention, and improved patient outcomes. Familiarity with the
clinical manifestations of both general abdominal injuries and specific organ
injuries enhances an intensivist’s ability to make informed therapeutic
decisions in the ICU. Monitoring patients in the ICU is crucial for the
nonoperative management of abdominal trauma, enabling early detection of
complications and determining the need for surgical intervention. Patients who
undergo damage control laparotomy greatly benefit from ICU monitoring to assess
the stabilization of vital signs, correction of coagulopathy, reversal of
acidosis, resolution of hypothermia, and to appropriately time the return to
the operating room for definitive surgery.
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