Nina Hole’ın Ateş Heykellerinden (Fırın Heykeller) “anıtsal H” Yapıtının Mekanla İlişkisinin İncelenmesi
Anahtar Kelimeler
In the art of ceramics, which
has a long history, firing of large-sized forms has always created problems.
Since ceramic material is fragile and not resistant to impacts and climatic
conditions, alternative solutions have been sought in the production of
large-sized ceramic forms. In this context, the contribution of Nina Hole, who
creates her own language in her works, to ceramic art is very important. Known
for his Fire Sculptures (Oven Sculptures), Hole pushed the limits of ceramic
material and exhibited it outdoors with large-sized forms. In this study, Nina Hole’s
works will be examined through Fire Sculptures (Oven Sculptures) and the focus
will be on how she brought a new language to ceramics. In this context, the
Fire Statue named “Monumental H” will be examined closely and its integrity
with the space and its relationship will be questioned. Thus, it is hoped that
it will contribute to the field in terms of examining the process of the
potential of ceramics, which is a sensitive material, to continue its existence
in outdoor spaces.
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