Hemoroid Bant Ligasyon Tedavisi

Yazar: Mehmet Biçer
Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 367-372
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Hemorrhoids are a very common anorectal disease defined as symptomatic enlargement and/or distal displacement of the anal cushions, which are protrusions of the anal mucosa composed of loose connective tissue, smooth muscle, arterial and venous vessels. Although constipation is the cause of hemorrhoidal disease, diarrhoea also triggers the formation of hemorrhoidal disease. Treatment options depend mainly on the type and severity of hemorrhoids, the patient's preference, and the physician's expertise. These treatments include diet and lifestyle change, medical treatment, office-based treatments and surgical treatment. Hemorrhoid band ligation treatment was first described by Blaisdell in 1958 using suture material. Afterwards, the rubber band took the form of ligation. It is the most widely used hemorrhoid surgery technique since its description. The technique can be defined as placing a rubber band on the peduncle of the hemorrhoid, which is vacuumed with a special ligator. As a result, hemorrhoid band ligation treatment is a reliable and effective method if used with the correct indication. Although the surgery is technically easy, many complications such as pain, urinary retention and pelvic sepsis can occur.

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