Integration Am Rande Der Gesellschaft Deutsche Frauen Als ‘lebensabschnittspartnerinnen’ Türkischer Gastarbeiter

Yazar: İlhan Karaca
Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 113
DOI: 10.37609/akya.2776
Kitap Dili : Almanca

German politics and society have gone no further than seeing the so-called "guest workers," especially the first generation immigrants from Turkey, as a crowd of just workers and foreigners. Thus, the perspectives and mobility experiences of individuals representing this generation have been almost never taken into consideration - even in the literature. Based on this, German immigration policy does not need to put into effect any integration program for guest workers, and it also prevents them from participating in German society outside of their designated roles. In the study, the reaction of Turkish guest workers against this discriminatory and ignoring strategy of the majority society is conceptualized with Hakim Bey's (1994) Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ) model. Temporary Autonomous Zone is the name of a socio-political tactic, in which temporary areas are created to elude and evade official control structures. According to this, the Temporary Autonomous Zone of Turkish guest workers is like an "uprising", a "guerrilla operation", that liberates an area (spatially, temporally or imaginary) without directly clashing with the state. With this tactic, guest workers a) strengthened their transnational networks by building their religious-cultural structures based on their country of origin, and at the end of this attempt, they became the pioneers of transnationalization (transmigration); b) they found an alternative method of participating in German society by establishing temproary romantic relationships  with german women, but also using them as informal adaptation aids. Through this process, the guest workers appeared to all eyes that they were human beings, not an anonymous mass. In the research based on qualitative narrative research technique, the relationships of Turkish guest workers living in Germany with German women were centered. In this context, the love stories of the 6 guest workers interviewed in the 1960s and 70s were examined. The relationships in question were examined under the categories of "forms of occurrence", "forms of maintenance", "forms of legitimization" and "forms of concealment". This research aims, above all, to make visible and appreciate the life and adaptation success of the first generation and their families under various difficulties.

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