What Is Adventure Therapy?

Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 155-162
Kitap Dili : İngilizce

Adventure therapy is a new type of therapy that is different from all traditional therapies based on the healing power of nature. Experiencing corresponds to active learning with all senses. Adventure therapy aims at permanent behavioral changes and psycho-social attainments. For this purpose, in addition to visual and auditory stimuli, more behavioral learning forms such as movement and touch are included in the therapy. Adventure therapy activities may take the form of horseback riding, hiking, canoeing, swimming and cooperative games. Cables, obstacles, ropes, trees, climbing gear and logs may be used as auxiliary materials in these activities. In adventure therapy, the information obtained through experiences is metaphorically transferred by the client to his own life. In this way, the client gains self-confidence and does not perceive the problems in his life as a threat. This model focuses on the development of client characters in the natural environment. The development of leadership skills, social responsibility tasks and interpersonal relationships are other important objectives. The expected outcomes of adventure therapy are that clients learn how to use their internal survival skills as well as their individual development.

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