Tane As A Marker Of Discreteness In Turkish

Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Aralığı : 1-12
Kitap Dili : İngilizce

Anahtar Kelimeler

In this work, I will review some of the prominent descriptive and theoretical accounts of the use of the lexical item tane in Turkish. Based on a new corpus analysis on the various uses of tane, it will be argued that it should be regarded as a pragmatic marker rather than a semantic one. More specifically, tane appears within the numeral construction when the referent needs to be marked as a discrete entity in the context. This account captures the different uses of the word in a systematic way in the language. 

Kitap Adı: Language And Literature Studies
Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 113
DOI: 10.37609/akya.2557
Kitap Dili : İngilizce
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